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Anatomy of Baseball Injuries. Beyond the Pitch Clock

People are quick to blame the pitch clock for the so-called "injury pandemic" among pitchers, yet this accusation lacks scientific foundation. Critics point fingers at the pitch clock as it appears to be the only most recent addition to the game, overlooking the other many factors that have proliferated with a more substantial impact on injury rates. Speeding up the pace of play undoubtedly accelerates fatigue, leading to breakdowns in mechanics—a bit like doing CrossFit where the first few reps have perfect form but as exhaustion sets in, form deteriorates. When fatigue sets in, the body compensates by engaging secondary muscle groups, altering mechanics and heightening injury risks. . Paradoxically, there's a push for pitchers to throw less in training and games. Throwing must be the only activity in life people think that by doing it less they are going to become better. As we said before, all eyes are on the pitch clock without realizing that there are other factors
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Breaking New Ground in Baseball Biomechanics: The Pivotal Role of Throwing Mechanics in Preventing Injuries

In the realm of baseball, the intricate dance of pitching mechanics is a key element to a career unmarred by injuries. The latest surge in biomechanical research has illuminated a suspected but never proved fundamental truth: the mastery of mechanics is not just a path to enhanced performance but a crucial shield against the relentless onslaught of injuries. At the center of this revelation is a groundbreaking study that, through an extensive research and deep biomechanical analysis, has identified 8 PRIMARY PITCHING SYSTEMS (PPS) , each composed of 19 model-specific components . This research, a beacon in the murky waters of sports science, poses a simple and profound axiom: the compatibility of these perfectly aligned components mitigates stress on the joints, thus preventing several nemeses of every thrower. Certain kinematic and positional parameters at precise moments are holistically crucial. Any misalignment, delay, anticipation, lack or excess of movements outside

Ronald Acuña Jr.: un caballero moderno del Beisbol

En una era caracterizada por los egos, los espectáculos en las redes sociales y la implacable escrutinio del ojo público, la definición de un caballero debe evolucionar. Ronald Acuña Jr., la sensación del béisbol de los Bravos de Atlanta, ha surgido como un caballero moderno que encapsula esta evolución. Él encarna una nueva generación de atletas que sobresalen no solo en el campo, sino también en su comportamiento fuera de él, respetando a los demás mientras abrazan su valentía y personalidades únicas. En un mundo donde las figuras públicas a menudo se ven envueltas en controversias, Ronald Acuña Jr. se erige como un ejemplo refrescante de cómo la deportividad puede coexistir con el éxito. Acuña es conocido por su impresionante habilidad atlética y su estilo de juego explosivo y llamativo. Una de las cualidades más admirables de Acuña es su capacidad para aprender de sus errores. A lo largo de su carrera, ha enfrentado adversidades y desafíos, pero siempre ha tomado estas experiencias

Ronald Acuña Jr. A modern young gentleman redefining sportsmanship

In an era characterized by egos, social media spectacles, and the unforgiving scrutiny of the public eye, the definition of a gentleman has to evolve. Ronald Acuña Jr., the Atlanta Braves' Baseball sensation, has emerged as a modern-day gentleman who encapsulates this evolution. He embodies a new breed of athletes who excel not only on the field but also in their conduct off it, respecting others while embracing their boldness and unique personalities. In a world where public figures often find themselves entangled in controversies, Ronald Acuña Jr. stands as a refreshing example of how sportsmanship can coexist with success. Acuña, is known for his athleticism, explosive and showy playstyle. Acuña has an admirable ability to learn from his mistakes. Throughout his career, he has faced adversity and challenges, but he has always taken these experiences as opportunities for growth. Whether it's a misplayed ball or a publicized error, Acuña has exhibited grace under pressure, dem

Unlocking the Secrets of late break and pitch movement in the 3rd Dimension

A couple of Game-Changing Concepts in Baseball Pitching The physics behind the movement of a pitch has always been a subject of fascination for players, coaches, and fans alike.  With the use of new technologies and the boom in popularity of Pitching Labs we have started to understand a little bit better the physics around pitch movement but, believe it or not, we are still in diapers and there is more to go. In recent years, the focus has been on Spin Rate and pitch Velocity as key factors in determining the pitch 2D movement. But we live in a 3D World, so: what’s happening with the information of the other dimension? It is well known in the industry that messing the timing of hitters is part of the art of pitching and it is not only about “How” it moves, it is also about “When” it moves. So, changing speeds and late break has been and still are, a fascinating but poorly understood phenomena throughout the years. But now, with all the technology available we have found a couple of gro